Friday, March 16, 2007

300...The Video Game?

Apparently there is a video game for 300. It is called "300: March of Glory". The idea of a video game for 300 is an EXCELLENT idea. There's only one catch though...the video game is only for the PSP, which is great...IF you own a PSP. I would love to see a game of this movie on some more powerful video game systems. It wouldn't have to be an exact copy of the movie, maybe some prequel or other Spartan story.

What would I like to see in a 300 game? Let's just say the movie has the great makings of a button mashing game.

Think of Spartan: Total Warrior (Xbox) combined with Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Xbox) combat. Then take the vast number of enemies that you would find in a Dynasty Warriors game, with much better AI of course. Hey, I would love a game like that. Maybe they will wise up and make one that more people can play, rather than only PSP owners.

Written for your reading entertainment.

- Jerieth

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