Friday, March 16, 2007


I just saw the movie 300, and I must was extremely good. The movie is currently ranked above an 8 on, which is a pretty good ranking considering some extreme critics who gave the movie low rating and believe it doesn't deserve the respect it is getting. I say most of these people are crazy, but hey they all have the right to their opinion. Hopefully hollywood will make more movies like this one for it has been awhile since a movie has entertained me as well as 300. From the very beginning the movie draws you in...

You are introduced to a society of fierce Spartan Warriors, who's laws govern that they can never retreat or surrender in battle. In fact the mother's of Spartan warriors would often tell their sons to "Come back with your shield, or on it." Essentially saying, come back victorous or die fighting. As you can probably tell by now the main society of Sparta is militaristic, but does have an advanced form of government, at least for the time period. (The movie depicts a counsel, which looks similiar to the roman senate.) I won't go into further detail of the plot of the movie, but I highly recommend it as a must see movie. It has some of the best action scenes you will ever see in a movie.

What would I compare this movie too? It is an unique movie, but if I had to I would say the movie resembles a combination of the best scenes from "Braveheart and Lord of the Rings".
At one point I could swear I hear a scottish accent from Leonidas as he defys Xerxes, the Persian king. (Leonidas can very much be classified as a "William Wallace" type of guy). Even Braveheart and 300's themes are similiar, fighting for freedom and defiance.

How is it like Lord of the Rings? Well, one thing is for sure, the action scenes a very much up to far. The sword fighting is excellent not to mention you can't help, but notice the similarity when Persian warriors ride in on huge elephants and even a rhino (yes...I did just say rhino, hopefully that won't spoil the movie for you...right now there is probably some guy reading DAMN why did he have to tell me about the RHINO!). There is also one character in the movie, which acts so much like Golem you can't help, but think "is this not a scene from lord of the rings?" Though some might be thinking right now..."Why would I like a movie that copies another", well let me set this straight then, the movie resembles other popular action flicks, but it is very much its own movie.

After I finished watching 300 I was begging for more. So I went onto Wikipedia and a few other sites to research some "Spartan History". Let me tell you, the history is almost just as rewarding as watching the movie. Their way of life was very interesting. Even though this movie is primarily based on a comic book, it does have "Some" historical truths, which if you read a few of these articles posted below before watching the movie it will only add to your viewing experience. However, if your new to Spartan history, you might want to watch the movie first and read these later, as some of the articles, at least near the end, do contain some spoilers for the movie.


History of the most famous King of Sparta, Leonidas I.


History of Sparta, much of the article is organized by wars


If your still craving more information just type in Spartan in Wikipedia, they will tell you all about their government, respect for women (which was rare back in that day), their laws, and much more.

Hopefully you liked the movie as well.

Written for reading enjoyment.

- Jerieth

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