Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Video gaming has always been a big part of my life. I recently found a great website where I was able to trade several video games for new ones absolutely free.

The site is The website provides an easy way to trade video games I do not play any more for new ones I want. Earning points on the site is easy. I was able to earn points simply joining the site and posting three games and having someone trade with me. I also can earn points by buying select items from, signing up to their newsletter for special promotions, and directly purchasing them.

I was able to get L.A. Noire for PS3 by trading my old games. So far this is my new favorite game, the story and control scheme is great. I have never been into mystery or adventure games before, but this one is very well designed and I urge anyone interested to check it out.

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